According to the author's intention, the apartment was designed for a family of three people: parents and an adult child. The main entertainment of the family is traveling! After visiting many interesting and exotic countries, family members gathered imposing baggage of impressions, souvenirs, got acquainted with various architectural and interior styles. Considering this the author of the project tried to satisfy their exquisite taste and create an elite interior of the apartment from different styles that future owners could already observe, and on the other hand, to design something unique. To surprise and to create the feeling of being in one more trip, in a country which belongs only to this family!
An associative row was chosen: four sides of the world, four elements: the sea, land, sky, fire! Bungalow, restaurant or street cafe, airplane, sail, midday heat on the beach, a night walk around the city, lines on the globe, traces of aircraft in the sky. As a result, the interior really turned out to reflect the chosen theme! Furniture and appliances from the best manufacturers complement the image.
Meet the project of Sergey Savateyev - interior design Around the World.